Superb racing was the name of the game at I-35 Speedway on July 4, 2015. The night began with makeup features from the half completed racing night of May 23 for the USRA B Mods, USRA Stock Cars, and the USRA Modifieds. Yay, we are caught up with makeup features! The night then continued with heat races for the E Mods, the Hobby Stocks, and the Grand Nationals. Heat races are used to determine the starting position for the features. Since the B Mods, Stock Cars, and Modifieds were running two features and since we had fireworks at the end of the night, we elected to forgo heat races for these three classes and instead lineup their second features based on total points for the season. We apologize to any race fans who wanted to see the heat races for these classes, we hope you understand we had fireworks at the end of the night and wanted all our young race fans to be awake for them.

Working with our racers is always fun (seriously), we all have ideas, and how we were planning to line up the second features would be based on car count. Everyone was in agreement that lining up the Top 10 in points straight up based on their point total for the year was the fair way to do the lineup. The Top 10 in points are the racers who have supported the racetrack the most through the year to date. The question became the B Mods and how we would line up behind the Top 10. Nic Hanes, Bud Wilson, and Doug Keller all called and asked and they had ideas of their own. We listened and in the end we lined everyone up by point totals. This is something we will look at putting in the rules for next year a standardized version of double features so everyone will know what to expect. We learn as we go and with racing we are always learning. It is important to listen because that is how we learn.

Congratulations to Ed Noll, Jeff Dixon, and Darren Shaw, it only took 42 days to win these races. Congratulations to Anthony Asher, Connor Masoner, Bud Wilson, Tim Eaton, Dean Wray, and Darren Shaw, it only took these drivers one night to win their races.

Now since it was July 4, 2015 our nation’s 239 birthday we completed the night with fireworks shooting high into the sky and bursting into beautiful bomb burst displays of various colors. And of course there was the smell of burnt fireworks along with the noises they make that reminds us of the great country we live in so we can enjoy the races. From comments heard from the crowd as they were filing out this was a wonderful fireworks display. Racing and fireworks what a great way to enjoy a holiday weekend!