THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE! We were able to race on our preferred night of Saturday, even though the forecasters had predicted all week a different bout of weather! Maybe Mother Nature is truly a race fan.

The word for the week – SMOOTH! Mother Nature’s work allowed Mike Johnson to provide one of the smoothest tracks in the area for the second week in a row! The ULMA Late Model Drivers loved it, people in the grandstands were talking about how smooth the track was and what great racing we were receiving, and drivers were walking up telling Mike Johnson or myself how much they liked the track. Even Facebook has a driver talking about the track, we utilize CJ Turner, #91 Pure Stock, “spun out in second but the track was smooth”. In tech, Carl Flower was checking fuel in every class.

The super smooth track provided great competition on the racetrack. Granted as I am running lineups, running payouts, running to and fro, I don’t get to see all the races, but for those I did see – WOW! The 18 car B Mod field put on some of the most exciting racing all year. The battle for first was a four car race for a while between Steve Clancy, Doug Keller, Shadren Turner, and Ed Noll. Side by Side, nose to tail, high side, low side, close racing without anyone touching. I look up one time and Keller has made a move to pass Clancy except there was spin in turn 2, out comes the yellow, the field reverts to last lap and Clancy retains the lead and takes the checkered a few laps later. The A Mods was also a race I got to witness, wow, on this track it was super exciting! This was a dance between Dennis Elliott, Zach Sanders, and Cory Wray during the early parts of the race. Two cars nose to tail low, one car beside them high, next turn it was three wide, then two cars high and one car low, exciting, heart thumping close racing. Dennis Elliott pulls out the win over Wray, but the racing was amazing!

Also, a note from Facebook, but this time from Cheesework Videos, thank you Leroy Morrison for filming the races, now to their post, “I figured it up and race fans paid $1.33 a race Saturday Night at I-35”. Yes, race fans you get the most bang for your buck at I-35 Speedway.

The last note from Facebook concerned a first time patron to the track. She had gone to the racetrack at Jamesport as a child and wanted her children to experience dirt track racing. She was most impressed with the interaction for her son who has Down’s Syndrome. She was pleased with the staff and with E Mod Driver Randy Smith, Jr. The racing family at I-35 Speedway welcomes all and we enjoy showing our love, keep it up racing family!

Thank you, Donnie Brown and Mike and Kyle Johnson, they gave away vouchers to our veterans for free admittance on Saturday, June 17. Thank you veterans for your service!

Finally, to finish up this past week, super awesome racing occurred at intermission with the Heartland Missions and Motorsports Kid Power Wheels. Where else can you go that even the kids get to race at intermission in either the 6 volt or 12 volt classes? Now for this next week, let’s keep with the theme, Super Hero Night, wear your Superman costume, your Wonder Woman outfit, your Spiderman suit, your Batman outfit, whoever your favorite super hero maybe. You never know the spin doctor may notice you!

Congratulations to Dennis Elliott, Steve Clancy, Randy Smith, Jr., Travis Walker, Cletus Murray, Jason Billups, Leroy Holler, Dean Wray, and Dylan Hoover on your wins.